Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Solway Firth Spaceman

     On 23 May 1964, Jim Templeton, a firefighter from Carlisle, Cumbria, took three photographs of his five-year-old daughter while on a day trip to Burgh Marsh. The only other people on the marshes that day were a couple of old ladies sitting in a car, and although cows and sheep would have normally been plentiful, they were huddled together at the far end of the marsh.
     Jim Templeton did not see the figure on Burgh Marsh until his photograph, above, had been developed. Analysts at Kodak have confirmed that the photograph is genuine. After the photograph was published, Jim was visited by two men who claimed to be from the government but refused to show their identification. They drove Jim to the place where he had taken the photo. When he explained that he hadn’t seen the figure at the time, they drove away and left him to walk home to Carlisle. Some people have claimed that the figure is someone standing with their back to the camera, perhaps wearing a hat or helmet. However, in the past 43 years, some UFO experts have linked the “spaceman” to the Blue Streak missile tests which were happening in Cumbria when the photograph was taken.


  1. When I photograph my dog, I sometimes get a splatter of similar spacemen. I need to dig up a copy

  2. @Gambling Degenerate go for it

    @Geojour I'd like to see that

  3. Looks to me like an astronaut. :D

    Anyhow, loving the blog; following and supporting! :)

  4. The photo reminds me of an old book of paranormal things i've had since a kid, its amazing how these things happened before photoshop! nice blog, will follow and support

  5. i don't think the man is coming from outer space, quite clearly he is coming out of the little girl's head

  6. I remember seeing this years's certainly weird coming from a time before digital photo editing and its certainly not a natural phenomenon like lens flare!


  7. Very interesting. Can't wait for more interesting posts!


  8. It looks more like they're facing the camera than looking away.

  9. First time i saw that picture i was creeped out, i have yet to come to a conclusion about it that i feel comfortable with though.

  10. same here sub, i hope they do exist, wouldnt it suck to be the only ones in space?

  11. Real pictures like this give me the creeps.
